Kengen managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Rebecca Miano has joined the World Bank Group’s Advisory Council on Gender and Development for a period of two years starting July 2nd, 2020.
Mrs Miano who is also the brainchild of the company’s Pink Energy Initiative becomes a member of the Advisory Council composed of distinguished representatives of government ministries, the private sector, academia and non-profit institutions.
Members of the Advisory Council play a critical role of looking into progress and constraints to gender equality globally and providing feedback and guidance of the bank’s work on gender equality and women’s voice.
Since its inception in 2011, the Council has been instrumental in helping the bank to strengthen its contributions towards closing gaps between men and women.
While accepting the invitation to join the Advisory Council from the Bank’s Managing Director, Development Policy and Partnerships, Mari E Pangestu, the KenGen MD said she was honored for the consideration and was looking forward to join other preeminent members.
Mrs. Miano noted that gender development and mainstreaming is a major catalyst in organizations as it contributes towards growth.
She made reference to the Pink Energy Initiative which has been instrumental in encouraging and facilitating ladies to grow boldly into their potential and succeed in their respective fields.
On her part, Ms. Pangestu said in 2016, the World Bank Group began implementing a new gender strategy geared towards deepening the institution’s contribution toward key results which are; closing first generation gaps in education and health,getting to more, better and inclusive jobs, closing gender gaps in ownership/control over key assets such as land and finance, among others.
Other key results entail enhancing women’s voice and agency especially by preventing and responding to gender-based violence.
The Advisory Council provides an opportunity to members to influence the direction of the work for the institution and ensuring more focus on results and outcomes aimed at reducing gaps between men and women which is necessary for ending extreme poverty by2030 and promoting shared prosperity.